Wednesday, August 20, 2008

As much as I didn't wish for that, but it happened in the end... Yes, I did really bad for the section on Econs. We'll do a little calculation for now alright? haha.

MCQ = 7/10
SAQ (Short Answer Questions) = 9/40
Total mark for Economics = 16/50

Not very bad for Management:

MCQ = 9/10
SAQ = 30/40
Total mark for Mgmt = 39/50

Overall for Econs & Mgmt = 55/100

Ohwells, its alright. I've got my last 3 months (which is Semester 2) to proof it on my record sheet that I'm able to make it for Econs because I don't see a reason why, if I can get 6/10 for my Econs assignment (which is again, a fairly average/good mark to get given my knowledge of the module) and fail so badly for exam, when I've STUDIED!

Terry asked if there's any suggestions or any comments about the paper etc. I was like, yes. Would it be better if there's a split of Econs on one day and then Mgmt on another? Because Mgmt is so theorotical and Econs requires quite a bit of thinking. Putting this two papers together isn't a good idea with a duration of 2 hours some more. Well, you can have a combined paper exam BUT provided, longer duration instead.

He replied, yes I know it'd be a clean split but, then again that's the way they put it so we'll see how things work after our meeting. But it wouldn't be of much help anymore because this is considered as your final grade to WOB (World of Business) Module. I was like, *pffft* okay. I talked so much and that's what I got for a reply. "Thanks" I said.

Nevermind, time to concentrate on Marketing & Accounting for now. Blah. Talking about Accounting... Its a double period lecture with Pam tomorrow. God save the day please? Haha. 'Cause our dear Marketing Lecturer, Paul has gone for a teeth makeover today and needs rest tomorrow! That's why we're having a double period with Pam instead. Lol. Poor Paul. He lost one of his front tooth because of his children and of course mainly due with his bad habit of smoking. Ha. I'm sure he'll look exactly like how he was in the picture of our BPSH (Bridging Programme's Student Handout) when he's back next week.

Anyways, I've been good so far. Resting as much as I can before we really take full flight for the finals in September. Weather's getting slightly better as well, I suppose. Spring's arriving. (: Guess it'll be a time for a real good rest/break from 29 September to 19 October. 3 weeks of a well-deserved break, and I know it will be. ((:

Prolly just flip thru' all my essays and examples/samples of essays and have good reference of how a THESIS statement is supposed to be. I can't understand that portion totally. "Gawd, mistakes with thesis statements again!" I thought to myself, whenever I get back my Essays. There's a 25marks essay for English tomorrow at 11am. So yea, all the best Eunice. & Thesis Statement, for goodness sake! TSK.

Alright, think that's about all. (: Till then, take good care, earthlings!

p/s: HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY, NISHA! glad you like your little PURPLE cap! haha. (:

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